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Diversity and Inclusion


In an era of advancing globalization and the need to respect diverse values, thinking about and initiatives diversity is one of the important pillars of corporate activities. In addition to striving to create a workplace where employees, who are important stakeholders, respect the various values and positions of our employees, our corporate vision is "Joy for Life ®︎-Bringing joy to the future by food" We believe that capturing a wide range of needs is essential for the sustainable development of corporate activities.


  • DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)

    We have introduced a Career Development Program (CDP) system for both general and managerial positions, with the aim of creating an organization and creating innovation in which human resources with diverse values and ways of thinking can maximize their abilities. Additionally, in order to promote active Participation of Women, we launched the "Cassiopeia W Project" in 2018, and are promoting the construction of an internal network for women and a career support system. This project also involves men and encourages them to take childcare leave.
    In September 2019, we received the "Eruboshi" (second stage) certification mark for promoting active Participation of Women from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.
    In June 2021, we held our first company-wide diversity training, with approximately 1,200 employees participating regardless of employment type or career, providing an opportunity to experience diverse values and think about diversity.
    Additionally, based on initiatives to date, we established the DE&I Promotion Office as a dedicated organization in April 2022. In the future, we will continue to promote diversity initiatives, including actively hiring seniors and people with disabilities.

  • Next generation action plan

    < J-OIL MILLS, INC. General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation>

    J-OIL MILLS strives to ensure that all employees, regardless of gender, age, or other attributes, are able to balance work and family and demonstrate their abilities in a comfortable work environment with a variety of options. We have formulated an action plan.

    1. Planning Period
      April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2026
    2. Contents
      [Goal 1] Raise awareness among male employees about balancing work and family life, and initiatives to foster a culture that includes those around them, aiming for 100% of men taking childcare leave.
      • April 2024: Establishment of a special leave system for employees who have given birth to children
      • April 2024: Establishment of a system for employees with pregnant spouses to accompany them to medical appointments
      • From May 2024: Establish a system for communication and consultation between employees with children who need childcare and those with childcare experience
      • From August 2024: Raising awareness among men about childcare (childcare classes, etc.) and spreading understanding among those around them
      • October 2024 - Implementing measures to promote understanding of men's participation in childcare among managers
      [Goal 2] Raising awareness of balancing work and caregiving
      • From April 2024: Provide information on nursing care support to all employees
      • April 2025: Implement measures to increase managerial understanding of employees who have family members who require care
      [Goal 3] Improve the work-life balance of all employees by promoting the taking of annual paid leave and easing the reasons for taking stock leave.
      • From April 2024, we will set up "paid vacation promotion days" for the company-designated Obon holidays and "paid vacation encouragement days" to ensure consecutive holidays.
      • April 2024 ~ Current status analysis of annual paid leave acquisition
      • April 2024 ~ Target values will be communicated and each department will plan measures to achieve the targets
      • April 2024 ~ The union will regularly review goals and progress at the safety and health council
      • From April 2025: Expansion of systems and mechanisms for balancing fertility treatment and work
  • Next Generation Action Plan: Kurumin Certification

    J-OIL MILLS was certified by the Tokyo Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a child-rearing support company based on the "Next Generation Development Measures Promotion Act," and received "Kurumin Certification" in November 2022.
    Our company is initiatives to promote DE&I (diversity, equity, and inclusion), and as part of our efforts to support diverse work styles, we are enhancing various systems and support systems so that each employee can balance work and family and play an active role. I have been trying to In April 2022, we established the DE&I Promotion Office as a full-time organization, and the Cassiopeia W Project, a cross-organizational project to promote DE&I that was launched in 2018, currently has employees of various attributes and is divided into gender and We aim to create new value (=inclusion) that takes advantage of individuality, not only by visible differences such as age, but also by internal differences such as values and experiences.
    In order to widely disseminate information about our DE&I promotion activities to internal and external stakeholders, and at the same time to improve the motivation of our employees, we aimed to obtain Kurumin certification, which we achieved.
    We will continue our activities to achieve even greater diversity.

  • Promotion of active Participation of Women: Action plan related to active Participation of Women

    J-OIL MILLS, INC. General business owner action plan based on the Act on Promotion active Participation of Women and Advancement in the Workplace

    In addition to actively recruiting and promoting women, we will formulate the following action plan to improve the job satisfaction and ease of work for diverse employees.

    1. Planning period
      5 years from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2027
    2. Content
      [Goal 1] Increase the percentage of female full-time employees to 40% or more.
      • April 2022 - Planned recruitment of male to female ratios for new graduates and mid-career hires
      • From April 2022, we will actively promote the ease of working (home-based, flextime system, balance with childcare/nursing care, etc.) and job satisfaction (education programs, etc.)
      • From April 2024, we will actively recruit people who have registered for the comeback system due to childcare, nursing care, spouse transfer, etc.
      [Goal 2] Increase the proportion of women in management positions to 10% or more.
      • From August 2022: Pair training will be held for young women and their superiors as an opportunity to consider career options early on.
      • From September 2022, we will hold a management school for female employees to acquire business skills, build their career, and form a network.
      • From September 2022: Introducing a mentoring system for female managers and general employees
      • From April 2022, proactive recruitment of female managers
      [Goal 3] Expand diversity, including women, and accelerate DE&I promotion.
      • From April 2022, Diversity Promotion Office will be newly established, and plans will be made to contribute to the utilization of diverse human resources, such as holding roundtable discussions for men raising children, seniors, people with disabilities, etc., and providing education for superiors with the aim of making the most of diverse human resources.
      [Goal 4] Increase annual paid leave usage rate to 70% or more.
      • From April 2022: Analyze the current status of annual paid leave acquisition
      • From April 2022, we will set company-designated Obon holidays and days to promote paid vacations through consecutive holidays.
      • From September 2022: Disseminate the target values and plan measures to achieve the targets in each department
  • Promotion of active Participation of Women: Eruboshi certification

    In September 2019, J-OIL MILLS received the "Eruboshi" (second stage) certification mark for promoting active Participation of Women. Among the five criteria for women's work styles, there are four standards: work styles such as working hours, managerial position ratio (percentage of workers promoted to section manager level), diverse career paths (conversion of women from non-regular employees to regular employees, The company was evaluated for meeting the three criteria for mid-career employment as a full-time employee. We will continue our activities to achieve even greater diversity.

  • DE&I promotion: Cassiopeia W project

    In an era of advancing globalization and respect for diverse values, the approach and initiatives toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (hereinafter referred to as DE&I) have become increasingly important management themes.
    The "Cassiopeia W Project" was initially launched in 2018 as a "Project to Promote active Participation of Women," but from the third term onward, the theme has expanded beyond active Participation of Women to include DE&I promotion. We are promoting activities to improve individual diversity.
    Specific initiatives include unconscious bias training for managers, roundtable discussions for female employees, a positive declaration on male childcare, career support, diversity training for all employees, and health seminars. Additionally, based on the project's recommendations, we have established a side job system and a self-development leave system as measures to improve individual diversity.

    DE&I promotion: Cassiopeia W project
  • Initiatives for seniors to succeed

    As the working-age population decreases due to the declining birthrate and aging population, and healthy life expectancy increases in what is called the "100-year lifespan", we are focusing on the potential abilities of seniors. We also believe that the source of corporate innovation is when diverse human resources are active based on their individual abilities, rather than uniform attributes such as age, gender, or nationality. Our company will continue to employ employees as rehired employees in accordance with our reemployment regulations if they so desire between the time they retire and the end of their 65th birthday. In 2019, we reviewed our pay system based on skills and results and our diverse work styles. In addition to working three days a week, we have introduced a flextime system that allows employees to choose more flexible working styles. We will continue to aim to create a system that allows seniors to demonstrate their abilities, with the aim of increasing individual job satisfaction and contributing to the organization.

  • Initiatives for employment of people with disabilities

    We aim to achieve the legally mandated employment rate for people with disabilities and create a workplace where diverse human resources can thrive. We are actively promoting recruitment activities, including expanding considerations in recruiting and diversifying approach methods.

  • Childcare/nursing care support

    We have been working to enhance various systems and support systems so that each employee can balance work and family and play an active role. Childcare leave can be used until the end of April when the child is one year old or older, and the shortened working hours system for childcare can be used until the end of the fiscal year when the child is in the third year of elementary school, and can be used in conjunction with the flextime system. Nursing care leave can be taken for up to 14 months for each eligible family member, and a short-time nursing care system can also be taken. Anyone, including parents and superiors, can check the childcare and nursing care handbook for specific details and questions regarding various systems. We have also introduced a Comeback System for employees who have chosen to retire due to reasons such as marriage, spouse's transfer, or caring for a spouse. We will continue to create environments and systems that allow each employee to choose flexible work styles.

  • Positive parenting declaration for men

    Our company promotes DE&I to create new value for society. It is important to realize work goals as a team member, regardless of race, age, or gender. We believe that this format will improve performance, increase individual job satisfaction, increase corporate value, and secure superiority. In life as well, it will become increasingly necessary to create a society in which both men and women raise children. Therefore, in fiscal 2022, we will promote the creation of a system and environment in which 100% of men who wish to take childcare leave can take childcare leave. To date, we have worked on improving childcare-related systems to balance work and childcare, holding roundtable discussions with those concerned, interviews with superiors and male subordinates on childcare leave, and reviewing the division of roles by gender to combat unconscious bias. Going forward, we will continue to provide further support for work-life balance, to foster a culture where both men and women can participate in childcare, and to enable individuals to work enthusiastically through diverse experiences.

  • Self-development initiatives

    Diversity includes not only differences in gender and age, but also intangible differences such as career, experience, and values. In fiscal 2023, we introduced a self-development leave system with the aim of enhancing individual careers and skills, leading to increased employee engagement and corporate value. We do not just provide a uniform career path, but also enable diverse working styles and support individuals' autonomous career development, skill improvement, and skill shifts.

    Target audience Full-time employees (regular employees) who have been working for 3 years or more and are under 50 years old on the expected expiration date of the leave period
    Reason for leave of absence Studying at domestic/overseas universities/graduate schools *1
    Leave of absence period Maximum 2 years *2
    Acquisition interval 10 years
    *1 Excludes courses that allow students to attend school outside of working hours.
    *2 Up to 3 years if the course of study is 3 years or if language study abroad is required when entering an overseas university.
  • Side job

    We have introduced a side job system in 2023 so that employees can take advantage of a variety of opportunities on their own, without limiting their opportunities to take on challenges within the company. In light of the purpose of supporting the challenges and self-actualization of employees who are growth-oriented, the system is broadly applicable to all employees, excluding officers, directors, and Advisor.

  • LGBTQ+ initiatives

    Our company upholds "respect for human rights" in the " J-OIL MILLS Code of Conduct," which executives and employees should follow as a guideline in their daily business activities. We will maintain a workplace environment free of discrimination and harassment based on gender, age, job status, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity (LGBT), etc., and respect each other's privacy. It is determined.
    As part of this effort, we are conducting educational activities through e-learning. We will continue to initiatives understanding and support (Ally) for LGBTQ+ people, and aim to create a workplace environment where diverse human resources can thrive.