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Materiality of J-OIL MILLS (Things we value)


As the impact of corporate activities on society increases, there is a need for business operations that take the environment, society, and governance (ESG) into consideration, and ESG is being emphasized as one of the evaluation indicators of corporate value. J-OIL MILLS views ESG initiatives as the foundation of business activities and an important element that influences competitiveness, and promotes ESG Management that is integrated with business. As social issues become more complex, we identify Materiality our company should prioritize and regularly address in order to realize our corporate philosophy and solve SDGs* issues, taking into account trends in international society. We are conducting a review.

*Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in 2001, and are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. The international goal is to aim for a sustainable and better world by 2030. Consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, it pledges to "leave no one behind" on earth. The SDGs are universal goals that are addressed not only by developing countries but also by developed countries themselves, and Japan is also actively working on them. (“What are SDGs?” JAPAN SDGs Action Platform. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/oda/sdgs/about/index.html, reference: February 27, 2024)

J-OIL MILLS will review its Sixth Medium-Medium-Term Business Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Sixth Medium-Term Plan) in 2022, extending the four-year plan from 2021 to 2024 by two years to a six-year plan. It was extended. As a result of this, various stakeholders pointed out that there was a discrepancy between the year in which we achieved our goals related to materiality and the final year of the 6th medium-term plan, and that the materiality identification process was unclear. In response to this, we are reviewing our materiality. In 2023, the materiality related to our business strategy is "Achieving a sustainable society through a stable food supply" and "Contributing to the well-being of all people through food safety and security," and the materiality related to our business foundation is "Diversity." We have identified four areas: respecting gender and improving employee job satisfaction, and Strengthen Corporate Governance. In the future, we will organize sub-materiality linked to each area and set goal images and KPIs.

Related to business strategy
  • Realizing a sustainable society through a stable food supply
  • Contributing to everyone's well-being through food safety and security
Materiality related to business foundations
  • Respecting diversity and improving employee motivation
  • Strengthen corporate governance

Specific activity items

We plan to reorganize each materiality we have worked on so far into sub-materiality linked to the four areas of materiality identified in 2023.

Resources and cultivated land
Sustainability guarantee
We contribute to the sustainability of the earth's limited resources by using raw materials efficiently and developing products with low environmental impact.
  • 6 Providing safe water and toilets around the world
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
  • 12 Responsible production and consumption
  • 15 Let's also protect the richness of the land
Contributing to reducing the work and workload of customers long-lasting oil " Cho Toku" and Oishisa design oil " JOYL PRO Series ®" not only improve Good taste but also reduce work and workload.
  • 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
Climate change mitigation and
We will initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain, including continuous initiatives in raw material procurement, production, and logistics processes, as well as the development of environmentally friendly products.
  • 7. Energy for everyone and cleanly
  • 12 Responsible production and consumption
  • 13 Take concrete measures to combat climate change
Protein crisis response Amid concerns about food shortages due to global population growth and economic growth, we are contributing to people's health and reducing environmental impact through delicious, low-impact plant-based foods (PBF).
  • 2 Zero hunger
  • 3 Health and well-being for all
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
  • 14 Let's protect the richness of the sea
  • 15 Let's also protect the richness of the land
Food loss reduction and
Stable supply
Through our unique technology to suppress deterioration over time and improve texture, we contribute to reducing food loss, and as a company that supports people's dietary habits, we fulfill our responsibility to provide a stable supply of food.
  • 2 Zero hunger
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
  • 12 Responsible production and consumption
Meat and fishery resources
By utilizing meals, PBF, etc., we will contribute to maintaining the livestock and fisheries industries and reducing the burden of livestock farming.
  • 12 Responsible production and consumption
  • 14 Let's protect the richness of the sea
  • 15 Let's also protect the richness of the land
Food safety and security In order to continuously provide safe, secure, and high-quality products and services, we will promote legal compliance and ensure food safety.
  • 12 Responsible production and consumption
Contribution to health maintenance Through products such as PBF that utilize our unique materials and technology, we provide opportunities to consume plant-based nutrients and contribute to maintaining health.
  • 3 Health and well-being for all
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
Responding to aging society By proposing efficient calorie intake through oil and improving Good taste, we will enrich the eating habits of Japan's aging society.
  • 3 Health and well-being for all
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
We provide food that is compatible with today's diverse lifestyles and dietary cultures such as vegans and flexitarians.
  • 3 Health and well-being for all
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
Contribution to nutritional intake and management We contribute to nutritional intake and management by utilizing our proprietary technology and nutritional components generated during the manufacturing process.
  • 3 Health and well-being for all
  • 9 Build the foundation for industry and technological innovation
Strengthening governance
We will realize honest and highly transparent management that earns the trust of all our stakeholders.
  • 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • 16 Peace and justice for all
Strengthening risk management We appropriately manage risks that may arise in corporate management in order to continuously improve corporate value.
  • 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • 16 Peace and justice for all
Promoting compliance In order to remain a company that is always trusted by society, we strive to ensure thorough compliance for all employees.
  • 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • 16 Peace and justice for all
Supply chain
We will initiatives to establish a system for appropriate management of the supply chain, including consideration for the environment and human rights, and ensuring quality and safety throughout the supply chain.
  • 10 Let's eliminate inequality among people and countries
  • 12 Responsible production and consumption
  • 14 Let's protect the richness of the sea
  • 15 Let's also protect the richness of the land
  • 17 Achieve your goals through partnership
Diversity &
We are promoting the creation of an organization and work environment where diverse human resources can fully demonstrate their individual characteristics and abilities.
  • 4 High-quality education for everyone
  • 5 Let's achieve gender equality
  • 10 Let's eliminate inequality among people and countries
  • 17 Achieve your goals through partnership
Work style reform &
We are promoting reforms with the aim of creating a workplace where diverse human resources can work autonomously and voluntarily to achieve results.
  • 4 High-quality education for everyone
  • 5 Let's achieve gender equality
  • 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • 10 Let's eliminate inequality among people and countries
Reforming our corporate culture and mindset We are working to create an environment that is open and allows each employee to freely express their opinions.
  • 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • 10 Let's eliminate inequality among people and countries
  • 17 Achieve your goals through partnership
Contribution to and cooperation with local communities We will work together in various ways to develop together with the local community.
  • 15 Let's also protect the richness of the land
  • 17 Achieve your goals through partnership
Timely and appropriate information disclosure Through timely and appropriate information dissemination, we will achieve two-way communication with our stakeholders and build stronger relationships of trust.
  • 16 Peace and justice for all
  • 17 Achieve your goals through partnership





Theme Materiality 主な2030年度
Reducing environmental impact
  • Resources and cultivated land
  • Contributing to reducing the work and workload of customers
  • Climate change mitigation and
  • 農園までのトレーサビリティ100%(パーム)
  • CO2排出量50%削減(Scope1、2、2013年度比)
  • パーム油ミルまでのトレース率100%維持
  • パーム油農園までのトレース率35%(2023年1-6月の実績)
  • RSPO(※1)認証油の購入比率20%(2023年1-12月のグループ会社PF(※2)を含んだ実績)
  • CO2排出量32%削減(Scope1、2、2013年度比)
Maintaining food resources
  • Protein crisis response
  • Food loss reduction and stable supply
  • Preserving livestock and fishery resources
  • Food safety and security
  • 動物性食品のおいしさ、満足感、機能、健康価値、栄養価を植物由来の素材だけで再現可能にすることにより植物性食品ならではの新しい価値創造を行い社会課題に貢献
  • 植物生まれの原料ならではのおいしさ、満足感、機能、健康価値を提供
  • 「おいしさ長持ち」の観点からフードロス削減や作業効率向上による低負荷の実現
  • サステナブル商品またはお客様の声活用製品の開発比率70%
  • たんぱく食品のバラエティー化
  • 長持ち機能を有する「SUSTEC®」技術を活用した製品のCFP(Carbon Footprint of Products)マークを追加取得、市場拡大を推進
  • 業務用油脂製品における「SUSTEC®」製品の構成比向上
  • 「低負荷」価値実現のための環境基準の社内浸透
  • 上記環境基準のチェック運用実施確認、対象範囲を拡充
Contributing to health through food
  • Contribution to health maintenance
  • Responding to aging society
  • Contribution to nutritional intake and management
  • ライフスタイルの多様化対応
  • 基礎体力の維持・向上を通じた免疫力向上、健康不全の未然防止等への寄与につながる、油脂や油脂に含まれる成分をアピールできる技術の確立
  • フレイル(虚弱)など高齢者の健康課題に対する、栄養機能性成分による改善機能提供(対象者のステイタスに応じた最善策の提供による)
  • 植物性の持つ良さを活かし多様なライフスタイルに対応した「おいしくて健康的な食品・素材」の提供
  • 生活習慣病など健康に関する課題解決のための機能性素材、食品の提供。その評価・開発へのフィードバックによる、顧客ベネフィットの継続的向上
  • 左記2030年のゴールイメージ達成のため、健康不全の未然防止、フレイル(虚弱)などの高齢者の健康課題、生活習慣病などに関連する研究開発に注力
  • 2023年度の段階では研究開発途上
  • たんぱく食品のバラエティー化
Business continuity infrastructure
  • Strengthen corporate governance
  • Strengthening risk management
  • Promoting compliance
  • 企業価値向上に資するコーポレートガバナンスの実現
  • 取締役会の多様性確保
  • ステークホルダーエンゲージメントの向上
  • 経営基盤強化と組織風土改革による企業価値の向上
  • 取締役会に占める社外取締役比率の向上(2024年3月31日=62.5%→2024年6月24日=66.7%)
  • 内部通報制度の活性化(受付窓口増員)
  • コンプライアンスに関する全社e-learningおよびフィードバックの実施
  • コンプライアンス研修の実施(2023年度は5部門で実施、3年で全部門網羅)
  • 経営リスクに対するオーナーシップ制を導入し、各経営リスクのリスク管理責任者(執行役員等、2024年度からはCxOに統一)を経営リスク委員会の指名により設定
  • 期首に設定した14の経営リスクについて、各施策の実施状況をモニタリング
  • Supply chain management
  • サステナブル調達の進化
  • 物流システムの再構築(2025年度)*2025年度には内閣府「戦略的イノベーションプログラム(SIP)」で検討中の物流プラットフォームに接続
  • 物流の適正化・生産性向上に向けた荷主事業者に関する行政ガイドラインに沿った当社「自主行動計画」を作成し、機関決定を経て12月に行政へ提出
  • 発荷主として納品状況(路上駐車での納品、長時間待機、附帯作業など)に関する物流会社調査を基にした改善活動を展開しつつ、2024年4月からの納品リードタイム延長(受注日の翌々日配送)に向けて得意先説明とシステム改修を実施
  • 着荷主としてサプライヤ―約150社へのアンケートを実施し、改善活動に着手開始
  • 2024年度の横浜工場、千葉工場、若松工場へのトラックバース予約システム導入を計画 ※静岡事業所、横浜工場は導入済み
  • DE&I(ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン)
  • Work style reform & engagement
  • Reforming our corporate culture and mindset
  • 経営トップと従業員の対話強化
  • 経営メンバーと従業員の対話会 26回
  • Contribution to and cooperation with local communities
  • 社会貢献活動の強化、費用増大(経常利益の1%)
  • 社会貢献活動の強化、2023年度社会貢献活動支出額22百万円
  • Timely and appropriate information disclosure
  • 個人株主、機関投資家比率の拡大(2020年度比15%増)
  • メディア露出回数の増大(広告換算効果15億円)
  • 個人株主、機関投資家比率20%増(2020年度比)により2030年度目標達成
  • メディア露出回数の増大、広告換算効果2030年度目標を2022年度に達成したため、目標の見直しを実施中
※1 RSPO(Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil):持続可能なパーム油のための円卓会議
※2 PF(Premium Fats Sdn Bhd):当社の連結子会社