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当社グループは「Joy for Life® -食で未来によろこびを-」を私たちの目指すべき未来として掲げ、「食べる」よろこびと「つくる」よろこびを社会に提供するとともに、健康や環境、食資源などの社会課題の解決を通じて、人々の暮らしに貢献しています。






代表取締役社長執行役員 CEO 佐藤 達也

Tatsuya Sato

 The J-Oil Mills Group has formulated “Joy for Life®: Bringing joy to the future by food” to describe the future it aims for. We seek to provide society both the joys of eating and the joys of the food cultivation. At the same time, we strive to contribute to people's lives by resolving societal issues related to health, the environment, and food resources.

 In the Sixth Medium-Term Business Plan, we envision what we should aim for in 2030 and view the period up to FY2026 as a time of change, as we continue to solidify the fundamentals to be ready for future investment and bolster our business foundation for future growth.

 The J-Oil Mills Group's strengths lie in its customer touchpoints, technological expertise, ingredients, and its ability to deliver and propose solutions by sincerely addressing customer feedback. We will reinforce these facets by strengthening and integrating marketing, research and development, production, and sales, in order to maximize the value we provide to our customers as an “Oishisa Design” company.

 In the growing markets of North America and the ASEAN region, in addition to existing materials, we will accelerate our growth strategy by developing oil and fat products with our unique value and strengths, as well as rolling out solution proposals. We will also work to strengthen our business foundation to ensure that it is capable of withstanding the rapidly changing business environment.

 Although we expect this substantial change to continue, we will boldly forge ahead to realize the vision we aspire to, creating value well into the future.

 As a food company, we will fulfill our responsibility to provide a stable supply of high-quality products. Meanwhile, as a public entity of society, we will promote sustainability initiatives and strive to bring joy to people, society, and the environment through good taste, health, and low burden.

Member of the Board, Executive Officer, President & CEO Tatsuya Sato

Tatsuya Sato