Protein crisis response
There are concerns about food shortages due to world population growth and environmental changes, but the future shortage of protein contained in meat, fish, etc. is a particular problem, and is called the "protein crisis." It is considered a global issues. Livestock farming requires many resources, including grain and water to feed the livestock, and farmland to grow the grain. Furthermore, methane emitted from the stomach and intestines of cows is the second most influential greenhouse gas after CO2, and is an environmental problem that cannot be ignored. Therefore, in recent years, expectations have been growing for the development of alternative foods that utilize plant proteins, which have a lower environmental impact than animal proteins.
By combining ingredients such as "Oil", "Starch", and "Protein" and protein with our unique technology, we provide delicious, healthy, and low-impact foods, contributing to people's health and initiatives environmental impact. We recommend.
Plant-based food (PBF)
当社はテクスチャー素材(スターチ)やフレーバーオイル「JOYL PRO®」(ジェイオイル プロ)、植物性タンパク素材を含めた当社製品の組み合わせにより、植物性たんぱくだけでは成し得ないジューシー感や肉粒感の付与や異風味のマスキングを可能にいたしました。徹底的に「おいしさ」にこだわったプラントベースミート(PBミート)を外食、中食のお客様へご提案し、高いご評価をいただいています。