The J-Oil Mills Group has formulated “Joy for Life®: Bringing joy to the future by food” as the vision that represents the future it aims for. In this vein, we strive to realize a sustainable society. With our origins as a supplier of oils essential in our lives, through good taste, health, and low burden, we endeavor to bring more joy into the future. These are the concepts inherent to our concept of “Joy for Life®.” The environment surrounding the food industry presents a wide range of challenges, and promoting sustainability is essential to achieving our vision.
Last year, the Group revised its priority materiality, defining the new materiality as “realizing a sustainable society through stable food supply,” “contributing to the well-being of all through food safety and security,” “respect for diversity and enhancement of employee engagement,” and “strengthening corporate governance.” Nowadays, it has become natural for companies to take responsibility to help realize a sustainable society and contribute to people's well-being. To pass the world's limited resources on to future generations, our generation needs to do more than just reduce its environmental impact. Recently, the importance of “Business and Human Rights” in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment has been attracting attention. Such initiatives are of growing international concern from the perspective of meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition to efforts to reduce environmental impact, we consider respect for human rights to be a fundamental premise of our corporate activities, and accordingly, we promote sustainable procurement initiatives in our supply chain.
The J-Oil Mills Group's value/purpose is to reap nature's potential and support efforts to supply food of reliable quality. We will continue working with our stakeholders to enhance corporate value and resolve social issues.
April 2024
J-オイルミルズグループは企業理念体系において「Joy for Life®-食で未来によろこびを-」を目指すべき未来(ビジョン)とし、持続可能な社会の実現を目指しています。生活に欠かせない「あぶら」を原点に、おいしさ×健康×低負荷で、未来のよろこびを増やしたい。それが「Joy for Life®︎」に込めた想いです。食を取り巻く環境は多岐にわたる課題を抱えており、目指すべき未来の実現にはサステナビリティ推進が不可欠です。